Take an hour to listen to this conversation between my favourite authors, Simon Sinek and Dr. Becky. I have reviewed Dr. Becky’s book, Good Inside, multiple times. In this conversation with Simon, the conversation goes beyond parenting advice and applies to leaders and managers. Topics covered include:Active listening, using empathy, finding true intentions, and understanding the definition of boundary setting.While listening to this conversation, I automatically began thinking about two of our employees… who can easily be labelled as “challenging” or “difficult”. Dr. Becky shares that some of these perceptions and behaviour pathways may go back to age 5. While it is not our job to “fix” them, perhaps with proper boundary setting, we can find the common ground to achieve our goals. Everyone wants to be understood and appreciated. #FindtheGoodInPeople
The RT Movie Trailer
Here is a little bit of humour and fun to uplift the mood of hardworking RTs out there!
Think Like A Monk

Recently I studied Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty. I liked it so much that recently bought it as a birthday gift for someone.
I purchased this book as I am always looking for ways to improve to become a better version of myself (as a person and a clinician).
These are the top three reasons why I enjoyed this book:
- The guidelines provided in this book have helped me reduce decision fatigue. I select my clothes the night before. My mornings have become simpler, more peaceful and more focused on goals I have set myself. A more peaceful mind has given me a much bigger buffer to deal with my daily stressors.
- Our training involves many processes, systems and algorithms. These are in place to minimize errors. Despite all that, we make mistakes sometimes. Clinicians are humans after all! This book empowered me to be able to forgive myself. Now I feel lighter, I can trust myself more, and can further improve as a person and as a clinician.
- Jay Shetty has helped me to be more present. This has allowed me to enjoy life more fully. I can clean my teeth and actually focus on the task at hand instead of just brushing with my mind all over the place. Have you ever heard of the saying “drink your food and chew your drink”? Jay will go in more detail but I can tell you that now I try to enjoy my food no matter how simple it is. Being in the present has also enabled me to focus on my relationships with important people in my life, such as my wife, family members and patients.
If you want to study this recommended book, use this link. If you decided to purchase through this link, it will support me in to continue producing quality content on my blog.
Happy RTing!
Farzad Refahi
Nov. 07, 2020
Free Online Course by the World Health Organization
Recently I came across a post by the World Health Organization (WHO) about a free online training course for clinicians. Curious about the information provided, I created an account with WHO. Enrolling for the course was instantaneous and easy.
This course is made of three “modules” :
1. An overview of Infection Prevention and Control measures
2. An introduction to COVID-19
3. Review of precautions with COVID-19
There is no actual interactive module. Each section is linked to a PDF file (22, 9 and 63 pages). If you work for any large health organization or have had access to COVID-19 resources, you have already seen most of the information. This is not to take any points away. This is still a valuable resource as we continue to try to control the spread of this virus.
To access this course visit: https://openwho.org/courses/COVID-19-IPC-EN