Future of RT?

Interesting study of barbers doing BP monitoring.
Reminds me of Community Paramedics stepping up to assist patients in Toronto.
Where do you see the future of community RT? Homecare companies doing home visits to do Spirometry and assess Puffer techniques?
Marijuana health and safety education part of driving license requirements?

Simon Sinek

If you are a preceptor, educator, team lead, manager or leader, you can greatly benefit from this video by Simon Sinek. He talks about empathy, perspective, and a better understanding of our current younger generation. Watch it to gain another perspective, or perhaps another tool for your leadership tool box. It will help you to guide your team to be the best they can be and in turn, they will better serve the values and interest of your company/organization.

Recognizing Exemplary Efforts

It is nice to be recognized but I didn’t realize it would be as rewarding to congratulate someone or to write someone a letter of appreciation/recognition!

As the chair of Diagnostic Imaging-Cardiorespiratory Services at work, I have the pleasure of recognizing members for their contributions.

Have you recently taken a step back and looked at your team? Take the time to know your team, and thank those who have made a great contribution.

Dr. Google

As healthcare professionals we have a duty to guide patients in making better decisions based on more current, accurate and proven knowledge.
First we need to be up to date with the latest guidelines and knowledge in our field.
Second, we need to create an open and comfortable space for your patients so they can be open about their thoughts and their choices.
Third, be aware of the latest trends and claims so you can educate your patients on false claims.