Let’s read an article a month – April 3 2019

An Article A Month

Every month I try to read an open-access article.  After reading the article, I share the tittle and associated link with my followers.  This is to encourage clinicians to read articles, stay to up to date, and continue to grow.

This morning I read this recent editorial piece on ERS:

The new haemodynamic definition of pulmonary hypertension: evidence prevails, finally!

By Marius M. Hoeper and Marc Humbert.


I wanted to review the noninvasive ways of measuring for pulmonary hypertension and came across this useful resource: https://www.123sonography.com/book/352

Happy Reading!

Farzad Refahi
April 3 2019 


Track your Continuing Education activities using Google

Looking for an organized way to record and keep track of your Continuing Education activities so you don’t have to go searching for them last minute?

If yes, then this video and PDF file is for you!

PDF file available here:  Track your Continuing Education activities using Google


Recreational marijuana use is becoming legal in Canada in just few days. With the political, legal and financial debates aside, there are health concerns that the public, users and healthcare providers need to be aware of. I have attended few talks on this topic and have read few articles that cover this issue in details. While I did not become an expert, I have noticed a common message:

Inhalation of marijuana can lead to temporary and permanent damage of respiratory system.

  • Review and share this collection of Questions and Answers by CBC: ok https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4856021
  • Avoid and limit your inhalation of airway irritants.
  • Please do not drive under the influence!


To have a better understanding of PFT maneuvers, watching the RT/technician screen as the patient performs these steps may be helpful for some students.
I have uploaded 4 videos (SVC, Spirometry, Body Plethysmography, and DLCO).

Keep in mind that these are for demonstration purposes only, and software models and standards can change.

Slow Vital Capacity 


Body Plethysmography