Every month I read an open-access article. I share the title and associated link with my followers to encourage clinicians to read more articles, stay up to date, and continue to grow.
The objective of this month’s paper is [ to describe pediatric intubations in an adult-based community hospital system, with the primary outcomes being first-pass success (FPS) and AEs and the secondary objectives were to determine what factors were associated with intubated related AEs and to describe the outcomes of children transferred to a pediatric quaternary-care institution ] (p70).
Outcomes and follow-up for children intubated in an adult-based community hospital system: A retrospective chart review
By: Mika L. Nonoyama, Vinay Kukreti, Efrosini Papaconstantinou, Natascha Kozlowski and Sarah Tsimelkas.
Can J Respir Ther Vol 58
Link to the article: https://www.cjrt.ca/wp-content/uploads/cjrt-2022-015.pdf
” There were significantly more intubation attempts between patients who had an adverse event (AE) compared to those that did not. This study found no significant differences in first-pass success (FPS) , AEs, and mortality between pediatrician or anaesthesia intubators, compared to all others (ED physician, respiratory therapist (RT), transfer team, or paramedic). There were no significant differences in any clinical variable measures at any time point, between those with and without FPS or between those who did or did not have an AE. “
p. 72
Happy reading and learning,
Farzad Refahi
August 30, 2022