Happy Learning

I get really excited when I come across individuals, groups and organizations that work hard to provide quality resources for health care providers.  There are plenty of them out there! Recently I came across OLEPAP.ca.
” The Lung Association’s Provider Education Program (PEP), funded by The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MoHLTC), has a mandate to develop, implement and evaluate accredited continuing medication education (CME) programs and materials that promote the Canadian Thoracic Society (CTS) respiratory guidelines. ” (1).

You can view variety of information such as information about workshops, conferences, Online Learning/modules, work-related Asthma, Spirometry, and additional resources.

I strongly encourage you to check out this page.  This post is expressing my personal opinion (no conflict of interest).

Happy Learning!


1. Provider Education Program. The Lung Association – Ontario. Welcome. http://olapep.ca/welcome/