I began my respiratory therapy program as a mature student, after few years of working after completing my undergraduate studies. It took me a full month to get my brain back to the speed at which it was absorbing information during my undergrad years. The RT program was intense but was made possible due to my amazing classmates. The challenges brought us closer and created quality friendships. As we got jobs with various schedules, finding a time to meet up became challenging. It would take our group around a month and half to organize a meet up. Maintaining friendship is as important as making new friendships. To support the RT community, to bringing RTs closer, meet new friends, and to nurture the existing friendships, I will begin to organize social events in Toronto for Greater Toronto Area (GTA) RTs. The first social event is happening on March 10th from 8 pm to 2 am at Jack Astor’s located and Yonge and Bloor. Check out the details of this event in Facebook. Join. Share the word and event. https://www.facebook.com/events/322816551562100/